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#1 Tip: How To Journal Your Professional Experiences

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

In this post, Lilien (aka Boss babe) talks through how you can journal and table your professional experiences to create an amazing resource that you can refer to in interviews, Linkedin profiles, CVs and Cover letters! (Includes template competency table).


"How to make a competency table:

Create a table with three columns and add rows as needed:

1. Think back to or refer to your professional experience journal (look below for more).

2. Title column 1: ‘Experiences’ Note key tasks, challenges, learning points in the row below. Be specific! (E.g Where did you work? What were the deadlines like? How many people in each team?

3. Title column 2: ‘Accomplishments‘ Show off in this section! (E.g Did you have perfect attendance? Was any of your work complemented ?)

4. Title column 3: ‘Competencies’ Bullet point hard and soft skills used during this career experience. (E.g time-management, writing and editing, communication, team work!)

How to create a professional journal:

1. Use the name of each career experience as a section heading.

2. Date and times! - The more detail, the better. You can refer back to this information on your C.V or when having conversations with company staff in the future.

3. Task summaries. (E.g what did the task entail? What resources did you use to do this? What key phrases and words came up in your research?)

4. Include key contacts- names, contact details (Linkedin, email address, phone number).

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